بحيره الخييلي

24°16'54.0\"N 55°38 - 55 7\"E - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

بحيره الخييلي is a swimming lake and bus stop located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The average rating of this business is 0.00 out of 5 stars based on 0 reviews. The street address of this business is 24°16'54.0\"N 55°38 - 55 7\"E - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. بحيره الخييلي is open seven days a week 24 hours a day.

Where بحيره الخييلي is located at?
بحيره الخييلي is located at 24°16'54.0\"N 55°38 - 55 7\"E - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates.
Map Location
Business Hours
Thursday 24hr open
Friday 24hr open
Saturday 24hr open
Sunday 24hr open
Monday 24hr open
Tuesday 24hr open
Wednesday 24hr open
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