Atlantis Explorers Club

Crescent Rd - The Palm Jumeirah - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Atlantis Explorers Club is a children hall and transport interchange located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The average rating of this business is 4.10 out of 5 stars based on 30 reviews. The street address of this business is Crescent Rd - The Palm Jumeirah - Dubai - United Arab Emirates.

Where Atlantis Explorers Club is located at?
Atlantis Explorers Club is located at Crescent Rd - The Palm Jumeirah - Dubai - United Arab Emirates.
What is the contact number of Atlantis Explorers Club?
The contact number of Atlantis Explorers Club is +971 4 426 1387

1 Lena Gärtner 18 months ago

First of all the staff is super unfriendly.
Secondly the timings and Schedule does absolutely not make sense . The age is based on the timings which I never ever heard of before . 9am-12pmtoddlers under 3 years and all other age groups with own nannys or parents . From 12-1 pm is one hour break so all kids have to leave . From 1-4 pm are activities for kids 4yrs+ where you can leave them alone. Then again one hour break for the staff . From 6 pm its for older then 6 year old kids . Super confusing time schedules and they close way earlier then written .Even though there is plenty of unused space to make a proper kidsclub.
Asking the supervisor if I can let my 4 year old kids for 5 minutes unattended she replied ,,sorry, we are no babysitter" super rude and since policy in Dubai does not allow Male nursing assistants in Nurseries I would also go for this rule in Kidsclubs.",1,null,"106336514625003321218",["","Flag as inappropriate",null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQoykIKSgD"],null,null,"ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURKcWZhbGZ3EAE","0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4R4IJSgA",[null,[null,24,0,"","Lena Gärtner","",null,0,"",null,null,null,["23 reviews in Dubai",[null,null,"13683745809905570146"],"????️",null,null,[null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ8boGCCgoAg",6,4]],"106336514625003321218"]],null,null,null,0,0,"!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURKcWZhbGZ3EAE!2m1!1s0x0:0x9e06687ae0911334!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIDJqfalfw%7CCgwI3JbgpQYQiLv03AI%7C?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1689783132731,null,null,[0,204],["0","-7059840488893770956"],"en",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[[["TTD_DAY_OF_VISIT"],"When did you visit?",[[[["E:TTD_DAY_OF_VISIT_PUBLIC_HOLIDAY"],"Public holiday",2,null,null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3YcHCCsoAA",null,null,0]],1],null,null,"Visited on",1,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3IcHCCooBA",null,null,null,null,null,3,[[1]]],[["TTD_WAIT_TIME"],"How long did you wait to enter?",[[[["E:TTD_WAIT_TIME_UP_TO_10_MIN"],"Up to 10 min",2,null,"Up to 10 minutes","0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3YcHCC0oAA",null,null,0]],1],null,null,"Wait time",1,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3IcHCCwoBQ",null,null,null,null,null,3,[[1]]],[["TTD_ADVANCE_RESERVATIONS"],"Do you recommend buying tickets in advance?",[[[["E:NO"],"No",2,null,null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3YcHCC8oAA",null,null,0]],1],null,null,"Reservation recommended",1,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ3IcHCC4oBg",null,null,null,null,null,3,[[1]]]],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1689783132731,null,null,["","Lena Gärtner","",null,",AOvVaw1TWtSiQjkIYkIPugrZJBUm,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IJygB,"],"CAESBkVnSUlBUQu003du003d"],[["","Bonnie Larcombe","",null,",AOvVaw3uo2Wiuj0KhNmC_7se2PkH,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IMSgA,"],"5 months ago",null,"Really lovely staff. My daughter has begged to go for extra sessions. Make sure to book in for the additional activities, such as meet the marine vet or sea lion trainer, as these sessions have a capacity",5,null,"107686185139835105453",["","Flag as inappropriate",null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQoykINCgD"],null,null,"ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNodjVxVkpnEAE","0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4R4IMCgB",[null,[null,15,4,"","Bonnie Larcombe","",null,5,"",null,null,null,["15 reviews",null,null,null,null,[null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ7LoGCDMoAg",1,3]],"107686185139835105453"]],null,null,null,0,0,"!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNodjVxVkpnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0x9e06687ae0911334!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIChv5qVJg%7CCgwI98DrnwYQ8OzntQE%7C?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1677385847381,null,null,[0,204],["0","-7059840488893770956"],"en",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1677385847381,null,null,["","Bonnie Larcombe","",null,",AOvVaw1z8VXaOCU61M7EH4Wq0m8f,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IMigB,"],"CAESBkVnSUlBZwu003du003d"],[["","Ertugrul Akyurek","",null,",AOvVaw2SymKzDXLRW0gzxT4zz7n1,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4INigA,"],"3 years ago",null,"Well it's weird. It's all very segmented. There is a large play area with natural light but kids play there with employee supervision only, so it's not really like free play. There is also a large play room with 2 large windows into the aquarium and it's great but the problem of this room is the fact that there is no natural light, it's all spot lights and loud music. Feels more like a club so not all kids will enjoy it.",3,null,"118145657725244655300",["","Flag as inappropriate",null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQoykIOSgD"],null,null,"ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURNNlBIZkRBEAE","0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4R4INSgC",[null,[[6,null,1],91,0,"","Ertugrul Akyurek","",null,14,"",null,null,null,["55 reviews in Dubai",[null,null,"13683745809905570146"],"????️",null,null,[null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ8boGCDgoAg",6,6]],"118145657725244655300"]],null,null,null,4,0,"!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURNNlBIZkRBEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0x9e06687ae0911334!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIDM6PHfDA%7CCgwI2J3Y7wUQyOSJggM%7C?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1576406744809,null,null,[0,236],["0","-7059840488893770956"],"en",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1576406744809,null,null,["","Ertugrul Akyurek","",null,",AOvVaw2yp_FEt3v-BMWRGxdDMLbY,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4INygB,"],"CAESBkVnSUlBdwu003du003d"],[["","Dan Hill","",null,",AOvVaw0Rsf1QxZx-CgRU5GIWzknx,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IOygA,"],"a year ago",null,"My wife and I have stayed on two separate occasions at the Atlantis for over a week on each staycation visit. We have a 4 and 5 yo and have used the kids club on both stays. Kids have a great time and always come back with great experiences. All the staff are great, Joy is always fantastic and really helps out with our little one!!",5,null,"110282454928731001682",["","Flag as inappropriate",null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQoykIPigD"],null,null,"ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURhMk5qY3p3RRAB","0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4R4IOigD",[null,[null,4,0,"","Dan Hill","",null,1,"",null,null,null,["4 reviews",null,null,null,null,[null,"0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ7LoGCD0oAg",1,1]],"110282454928731001682"]],null,null,null,2,0,"!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURhMk5qY3p3RRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0x9e06687ae0911334!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIDa2NjczwE%7CCgwI1d3iiAYQ2KLP1AE%7C?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1629007573445,null,null,[0,228],["0","-7059840488893770956"],"en",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1628955572543,null,null,["","Dan Hill","",null,",AOvVaw3vsc8SXyBcjYHYUOfIgJXG,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IPCgB,"],"CAESBkVnSUlCQQu003du003d"],[["","BAL MHANNA","",null,",AOvVaw3s7-iLO0tXUqvBETIsoD16,,0ahUKEwjfjNHNhtCAAxUO4TgGHZkgB3oQ4h4IQCgA,"],"6 years ago",null,"I took my kids to Atlantis for a day out on Friday. Once we got there my 5 year old son wanted to go to a play centre. I asked around and was told about the kids club on the first floor. We got there and I was happy to leave him there to play. I asked the Indian woman at the door if I can go in and see where I'm leaving my child. In a very unfriendly manner she said: No, because adults are not allowed." After pleading with her for sometime , explaining that I don't feel comfortable leaving him somewhere without knowing what is behind closed doors her answer was - management does not allow. I even asked if my 12 years old daughter can take him inside, the reply was negative as well. She was so protective of the entrance that the only thing that came to my mind you are either hiding something or the club is so poor you don't want parents to see what they are paying for. I have lived in Dubai for 5 years and have never experienced such nonsense. Bottom line we left and we will never come back. All kids clubs in hotels are transparent to parents.The worst customer service experience in Dubai.

1 Krupa Khetia 65 months ago

I sent my daughter to the Spring camp morning session and was hugely disappointed. Their schedule (confirmed the day before by their staff) included a trip to the aquarium. They cancelled it last minute without informing parents. My daughter tells me they watched a movie instead. She was looking forward to the experience and was completely disappointed. The staff never pick up calls from parents or indeed return a call if you leave voice mail. I wouldn't recommend this place to any parent.

4 Banonie Mwale 28 months ago

Very good drop off facility for children aged 4 to 12 years old. They do have very good activity schedule and staff are very friendly.

2 suzan shabaneh 65 months ago

very disappointing place for such well known place... my son's class had graduation party in it, the food was not enough, no water for the kids... that was very unexpected.....
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