Talia Klein 22 months ago
I made a complaint last November. I received a written response today (end of February!). The practice manager, in all delusion, states my complaint isn't being upheld. I didn't realise they had a magistrate running the practice. I wasn't asking them to judge my case. I sent the complaint, after years of ineptitude across the board, when finally the straw that broke the camels back was a nurse who refers to everyone as "love" and equally over familiar, patronising nick-names, jabbed me in the arm and swore. But that wasn't actually my complaint! I was making general conversation about my ongoing anaemia, that by this point I'd gone into a private health care setting for treatment, so it was historic and irrelevant, but the nurse felt qualified to disagree with what my consultant told me. I was baffled by her apparent specialism in haematology considering I wasn't asking for an opinion. I only started the conversation to actually put her at ease and deflect from the fact she accidentally caught my arm.
I have no desire to step foot in there again, and only sent the complaint, if you like, so the manager had some insight into who was working there. It's exactly what I'd want to know about my team, in my absence. Instead I get a 4 page response of waffle, that totally goes off topic, and states the average wait time is 2 to 4 weeks for an appointment. Totally overlooks the fact they DID make me wait 3 months for one.
I can walk away from this disaster zone. The manager however, has to run the place, and clearly is either a very poor judge of character, doesn't know he staff (possible with the turnover) delusional, or trying to save face from the hundreds of negative reviews this practice has received on social media in recent times. Look at the Nottinghamshire GP to patient ratio to see where this practice stands. You'll never see the same doctor twice. And I suggest recording all of your appointments as the staff can write whatever they want on your notes, and your only evidence will be your recording as the manager, clearly unfit for the job, will believe whatever is written on the screen and accuse the patient of being a liar/mentally unwell/whatever other reason she deems fit to state you have gone to the effort of a complaint, without grounds. The ONLY evidence you can rely on is footage.
In addition, the manager has felt the need to then trawl through my medical notes, which I have not given express permission to do as it isn't relevant as per GDPR, some of which is inaccurate, and accuse me of not engaging when it's quite clear that in the end I went private. It's amazing how much dignity and respect you receive when you're paying for it. I never denied going private as that was one of the things the nurse said "Well you chose to go private".
However, I'd like to remind this NHS practice, that we pay vast national insurances contributions, and the healthcare that own this are essentially a huge money making business which is why your ratio is poor and your budget so tight.
It lost it's respect years ago when it was sold. I've been there since it was in the bungalow on bullpit Lane. It's a shadow of its former values,and for me, someone has to be held accountable.
I don't require a response. It's not my circus.